I Am Not A Wildlife Photographer…
I’m not a wildlife photographer…
But I love to shoot the birds and bugs in my backyard.
I’m not a landscape photographer…
![Hanging Rock State Park 2012-72](https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8060/8217784935_da9e7f635d.jpg)
But I love to capture the beauty around me.
I’m not a sports photographer…
But I love to witness mad skillz, yo.
I’m not a street photographer…
![Manhattan 2011](https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5112/5906595012_e2e9ee090e.jpg)
But I love to find art in the moment.
I’m not a fashion photographer…
But I love to collaborate with artists to make something interesting.
I’m not an architectural photographer…
![Day 146 - United States Customs House](https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2701/4312885150_a2b021c8b6.jpg)
But I love to witness man’s feats of greatness.
I’m not a portrait photographer…
But I love to see a part of a person’s personality conveyed in an image.
I’m not a wedding photographer…
![Eileen Bridal-19](https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7223/7256368262_a879bee6a6_z.jpg)
But I love to see a bride looking her best.
I’m not an abstract photographer…
![Bass Strings](https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4034/4444778958_51e3605624.jpg)
But I love to see the Devil in the details.
I’m not a maternity photographer…
But I love to see a woman becoming a new mother.
I’m not a pet photographer…
![Day 144 - Goodbye Max](https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4066/4308144908_52766baaae.jpg)
But I love to capture an old man saying goodbye to his old best friend.
I’m not a music photographer…
But I love music and I think it’s what saved my life.
I’m not a headshot photographer…
![Sue Campbell's Head Shot](https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3802/9702567080_51f8277281.jpg)
But I love to capture a person the way I see them.
I’m not a fitness photographer…
But I love to capture a person in the best physical shape they can be in.
I’m not an editorial photographer…
But I love to make a portrait that tells a story.
I’m not an event photographer…
![Charleston Brewvival 2011](https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5014/5483830658_3ee87f5f08.jpg)
But I love an opportunity to score a free beer (or seven).
I’m not a fireworks photographer…
![4th of July 2012 U.S.S. Yorktown-2](https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8157/7505577606_44fc91a81f_z.jpg)
But I love to see things that go boom!
I’m not a travel photographer…
But I love to see new places and faces.
I’m not a fine art photographer…
But I love to stretch my imagination.
I’m not a family photographer…
![Family 2013](https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3808/11443582024_00ee1524d1.jpg)
But I sure do love my family.
I’m not any single kind of photographer.
I’m all of them and none of them.
I’m just a person who loves to capture life in a bottle so I can open it up and share it with everyone else every once in a while.