Baby Aurora

If you’re a regular reader, you might remember Aurora from this post. Just as a reference, this was her home for the first couple of months of her life:

It’s hard to believe how perfect this little kid has become after such a scary start to her life. It’s also hard to believe that she was under 2 pounds when she was born – Look at those chubby little legs on the photo below!

Now, she’s able to do this:

It’s simply amazing how far she’s come. Aurora popped over to the studio this weekend to get her infant shots done, and we had some fun with her indeed. Nothing is sweeter than a sleeping naked baby though…

And you can’t forget to capture the details. Baby hands and feet don’t stay little for long 😉

And here’s a moment with her proud mommy, Crystal:

There’s magic when a baby connects for a split second with her eyes. It’s a special frame that you hope works out, because these looks are fleeting and hard to come by at this age.

You can check out the full set of photos on Flickr. I think the fact that we could even have this shoot was so much more special than anything I could say about it, so I’ll just post another pic to wrap this up…

Oh, she’s so cute I can’t stand it, just one more and then I’m outta here: