Which One: King Of Pops Umbrella
Chase Jarvis has a bit that he does on his blog where he asks his readers to pick from two alternate versions of shots he’s made and explain why you like one over the other. Here’s an example of his latest one. I thought I’d try it out here with two shots taken within seconds of each other. They are also shown in the order they were made in. I shot these with my Nikon Coolpix P7000 at the 2011 Carolina Green Fair this past Sunday in Marion Square. The subject is the iconic King of Pops rainbow umbrella.

So which one do you like, shot #1 or shot #2? Why? Sound off here in the comments, or on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.
Hi Joe. Both shots look good to me, but I prefer shot 1. shot 1 makes me feel like there’s an umbrella over my head. shot 2 makes me feel like the umbrella is falling over! Just my impression/illusion of balance.