West Farm
I wanted to quickly add this post as an addendum to yesterday’s post. I love taking photographs of my kids, and as they get older, it really sinks in that there are only so many of these types of family activities left like this. My daughter has grown so fast, and it’s a matter of time before she thinks it’s soooo not cool to be going through corn mazes with her little brother or way too lame to let kids bury her in corn kernels. My son still has some time left in him, but unfortunately he will progress earlier than her because he’ll try and follow her example. I’m excited to see them grow up, but it’s hard to let go. I’ll be sure to capture as much of this fun age as humanly possible!
West Farm is a little farm up in Moncks Corner, SC who’s claim to fame is their 6-acre corn maze. The theme for the maze this year was oceanic, with a giant crab as the centerpiece. They also added a mission to complete while in the maze (as if trying to find your way out of one of these things isn’t enough), which was a Clue style who-done-it mystery that involved finding clues at check-in stations throughout the maze.
The kids had a blast, and they got to paint pumpkins as well. Here’s a shot of Kegan’s pumpkin. It started out like this, all cute as can be. By the time he was done, he turned it evil by adding a uni-brow and covering it with bats and spiderwebs. I thought he should have left it simple, but alas, the boy has to exorcise his creative bug on his own.

You can view the rest of the shots I took at the farm here. Have a great week!