Everybody’s Working For The Weekend

I spent this past Saturday with my family in typical fashion. We are on a mission for a specific Halloween costume for my daughter that seems to be sold out everywhere, even on the internet (with the exception of eBay sellers doubling the price of the outfit). After checking out 3 different Halloween shops, we called off the hunt and broke for lunch. We then had to pick out a present at the local toy store for one of our little buddies who was celebrating her 6th birthday. When we got home, we found this little squirrel burglarizing our bird feeder. I grabbed my camera and quickly captured this mission impossible moment.

We wrapped up the gift and then headed to the bowling alley for the birthday party. The kids had a lot of fun and I don’t think the six-year-olds had any concept of scoring or even who’s turn it was half the time. Does it matter though with bumper bowling? As long as there were smiles on their faces I think it was very successful! Here’s a set of photos from the party.

After that the kids went to a jump party and the wife and I went to see “The Social Network”, or as I like to call it, “The Pirates of Silicon Valley 2”. It was a very well acted and directed movie – At no point did I find myself thinking they should have called it “Facebookland” after seeing Jesse Eisenberg’s previous acting roles.
Today should be more of the same, with pumpkin patches on our radar. Have I told you how I think October is the best month yet?
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