Caribbean Sunscapes

I made a pact with myself a year ago to start limiting the photos I post and only show my best work. Of all of the theories and practices about being a good photographer, editing yourself is the most difficult for me. Sometimes I like to tell a story and the story becomes a novel. Sometimes I see so many different things that get me excited and I can’t narrow it down. So, here’s the challenge – how can I share all of the wonderful experiences and sights of my recent trip in one post? The answer is simple – multiple posts! Yeah, I’m good like that…

A note about gear – I left my D800 at home on this trip and brought 2 cameras; My trusty D90 and my Pentax Optio W80 waterproof compact. The shots in this post were shot with the D90 and either my Nikkor 55-300mm zoom or my Tokina 11-16mm ultra-wide zoom. The photo at the top was a sunrise over the Caribbean Sea. The 2nd photo is a sunset under a big storm cloud as we left Grand Cayman Island. The one just below is a sunrise over the coast of Cozumel, Mexico.

Here’s a late afternoon split-tone sunburst shot on the coast of Labadee Haiti, followed by a sunset shot of the mountains.

And I leave you with this shot of a sunset using a graduated glass filter. I decided to experiment and flip it upside down, giving me a scarlet red water with a rainbow of color as it leads to a blue sky.

I’ll be posting more very soon – check back this week.