Category: Event Photography

A Night Out

Last night was the 29th annual National Night Out. It was also the first time the neighborhood I live in participated in it. I was on hand with my camera to capture some of the fun!

Local businesses sponsored giveaways and provided some goodies, such as Rita’s, the local Italian Ice shop!

When the sun went down, a giant inflatable movie screen went up and we watched a series of cartoons to keep the kiddies entertained. Our neighborhood watch did a fantastic job organizing this special event despite the dreary weather, but everyone had a great time. I hope they keep the tradition going! You can check out the rest of the photos on my community’s Facebook page.

Come Together


One of the most daunting jobs in photography is the large group portrait. Getting dozens of people positioned so that every person can see your lens is one thing, getting dozens of people that span multiple generations from older folks who can’t stand around waiting to young kids who can’t stand still for 20 seconds is enough to make the most seasoned pro sweat profusely.

The Hatcher and Cole family reunion was held in Charleston this year at Sticky Fingers and I had the honor of capturing the event.

Hatcher Cole Reunion-53

There was plenty of food, and a live band had the room dancing.

Hatcher Cole Reunion-132

Here’s a slideshow of the event. I had a blast sharing this night with this fun family. I’ve had Superstition stuck in my head all week long πŸ˜‰

Fitness Portraits Tonight!

Sorry for the last minute notice on this, but I’ll be over at Eco Fitness in Mount Pleasant, SC tonight shooting portraits of club members, trainers, and staff at their club tonight, July 23rd, 2012. The event starts at 5:30PM, and there is also a Sushi tasting party courtesy of Charleston’s O-ku.

If you’re in the area, please come on by and say hi, have some free sushi, and get your photo made for their website!

Maybe Amy Hill (pictured above) will jump for you live in person if you ask nicely enough πŸ˜‰

Eileen & Gary


On a beautiful summer’s day in June, 3 people joined together as a family. Eileen & her son Tristan joined Gary Turner in matrimony at Rockville Presbyterian Church in scenic Rockville, SC. This is their story in photos.

Eileen Gets Ready

Something borrowed: a family heirloom…


The church – Rockville Presbyterian:



The ceremony:




The newlyweds:



The Family:



The Friends:


The reception:




Time to head out on their honeymoon:



Art For Charity Photos

Art For Charity 2012

If you have one of these, you may be wondering if you’re in the right place, and you are! If you don’t know what this is about, read this first.

Friday night’s Art For Charity Event was a blast. I had a lot of fun shooting attendees, staff, & volunteers at the Michael Mitchel in Charleston, SC.

First things first, I want you to get to the photos.

To see and download all of the photos, please go here. You can also order prints from that website, and part of the proceeds will be sent directly to the Ryan White Program and Wellness Center!

You can also see all of the photos on my Facebook page. Please share the album and tag yourself and your friends!

Art For Charity 2012

At the top of this post is Katie Kern, who’s the PR of Art For Charity. Below is Michael Mitchel, who is the founder and is kind enough to host the events. These folks don’t do this for their own recognition (in fact they’ll probably hate that I’m focusing on them right here), but considering the fact that I deal in imagery, I thought it best to show them.

Art For Charity 2012

And here’s a shot of the volunteers for the event with staff members from the Ryan White Program and Wellness Center. All of these people certainly deserve a bunch of recognition for all of their dedication!

Art For Charity 2012

Most of the portraits were shot using paintings by Susan Colwell and Karen Keene Day as the backdrop! These paintings were in the front of the studio and made for the best location to do the photos. I thought it made for a very cool design element given the environment we were in.

Art For Charity 2012

Baby Gabriel


Tamara & Michael’s newest addition, Gabriel, joins his big brother Jackson. If you’ve been following along with this blog, you may remember Tamara from her maternity shoot not too long ago.


These two are so sweet together, it’s pretty incredible. I don’t think I was ever this close with my brother πŸ˜‰ It’s no wonder that my favorite shots are of the two of them interacting.




Here’s one more shot – an unexpected photo with dad who just happened to pick up Gabriel in the right place at the right time. You can see the full set right here.


I hope Gabriel’s future is bright and filled with good things, and he’s got a great family to get that life started with!

Art For Charity Event

Art For Charity Poster
Click the poster for the full size version

I just wanted to let you know that I’ll be shooting portraits of the guests at the Art For Charity event at the Michael Mitchel Studio in Charleston, SC on Friday, June 1st, 2012.

First, the details:

-Michael Mitchell Gallery is located at 438 King Street, Charleston, SC 29403
-The events are held from 6 pm to 9 pm.
-A $10 donation would be greatly appreciated
-The event I’ll be shooting will be benefiting the Ryan White Program and Wellness Center

What is Art For Charity?

Art For Charity is a unique gallery event where a portion of profits from sold artwork benefit local, non-profit organizations. This year’s charities include Friends of MUSC Children’s Hospital, Crisis Ministries, Komen Lowcountry, Roper St. Francis Ryan White Program, Charleston Waterkeeper and MUSC Hollings Cancer Center.

The event I’ll be shooting will be benefiting the Ryan White Program and Wellness Center.

Who is Ryan White and what is the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program?

Ryan White and his mom courageously fought AIDS-related discrimination and helped educate the Nation about his disease.

Ryan White was diagnosed with AIDS at age 13. He and his mother Jeanne White Ginder fought for his right to attend school, gaining international attention as a voice of reason about HIV/AIDS. At the age of 18, Ryan White died on April 8, 1990, just months before Congress passed the AIDS bill that bears his name – the Ryan White CARE (Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency) Act. The legislation has been reauthorized four times since – in 1996, 2000, 2006, and 2009 – and is now called the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program.

I’m pretty stoked to be a part of this, and I hope to see you there. Heck, just bring $10 to donate at the door, get your photo taken, & check out some art (and possibly buy some since part of the proceeds benefit the charity). I’ll be posting the photos for you to download just like I did for the recent Change For Change Art Show.

Change For Change Portraits


The 2nd installment of the Change for Change Art Show has come and gone, and organizer Darryl LaPlante did a fantastic job of putting this whole thing together. Don’t let this bad ass look fool you, the man is a giant softie:


I had originally planned on attending and checking out the festivities like a citizen, but after a photo shoot got rescheduled at the last minute I decided to lug out my gear to the Mixon Barn and setup a portrait studio to work the show like a soldier instead. I had about 3 hours to plan the whole thing out, including designing & printing up these fliers to hand out:

Setup under a canopy strategically located between the bar and the porta-potties, this is where I made all of these photographs:

Show Me The Pictures


Sooooo, if you are one of my victims subjects, you’re wondering what I’m doing with all of those portraits we made. Well, on Facebook, you can check out the whole set here. Please go ahead and like my page and tag yourself or your friends in the photos. Share the whole album with your friends!

Also, If you really dig the photos, you can purchase prints of them here. Profits from the sale of these portraits will go to Change For Change to benefit Water Missions International. If your significant other got his/her portrait made, you pretty much will get the best Karma points in the world for buying him/her one of these, so get on that!

Here’s a slideshow of them all:

I definitely had a blast interacting with everybody. Some familiar faces, some new ones, and some I didn’t even know that I knew. Some of the Charleston art scenes’ best were on hand and I had a blast talking shop with them all.




Since there were also some talented local photographers in attendance, I was able to hand my Nikon over to one of them. Ryan Belk took over shutterbug duties and snapped this shot of me:


It’s nice being on the other side of the lens every once in a while. A beard like mine demands to be seen!

Thanks again to the organizers – I hope we made some loot for the cause πŸ˜‰

Baby Aurora


If you’re a regular reader, you might remember Aurora from this post. Just as a reference, this was her home for the first couple of months of her life:


It’s hard to believe how perfect this little kid has become after such a scary start to her life. It’s also hard to believe that she was under 2 pounds when she was born – Look at those chubby little legs on the photo below!


Now, she’s able to do this:


It’s simply amazing how far she’s come. Aurora popped over to the studio this weekend to get her infant shots done, and we had some fun with her indeed. Nothing is sweeter than a sleeping naked baby though…



And you can’t forget to capture the details. Baby hands and feet don’t stay little for long πŸ˜‰



And here’s a moment with her proud mommy, Crystal:


There’s magic when a baby connects for a split second with her eyes. It’s a special frame that you hope works out, because these looks are fleeting and hard to come by at this age.


You can check out the full set of photos on Flickr. I think the fact that we could even have this shoot was so much more special than anything I could say about it, so I’ll just post another pic to wrap this up…


Oh, she’s so cute I can’t stand it, just one more and then I’m outta here:


Shaking It Up With Haiden


This weekend was a busy weekend for me – I had three different shoots, including a birthday party for the niece of one of my dearest clients. Haiden celebrated her birthday with a “Shake It Up” theme, and I was brought on to setup a photo shoot to capture these junior celebrities πŸ˜‰


My “studio” was setup on the side of a Sullivan’s Island beach house porch. I had an array of hats and accessories for the kids to dress up in. You can see in the photo above that I created the coloring for the background using colored gels on a pair of speedlight flashes. The red gelled light on the right is also making use of the infamous beer coozie snoot. I also added some graphics to the finished portraits to finish them off:


The kids were really into it. I was so impressed with how well these kids played up to the camera. The shots I made were filled with energy and it really made the time fly (even if I had to listen to the likes of Selena Gomez for two hours)!




I also shot the event to capture some of the fun for the family and friends. The weather was perfect for photography – overcast early day light! The rain gods surely held out for this little girl, as the minute the party ended, the sky opened up!




I shot this last shot of the party goers just as the rain started to fall. These kids were so awesome – they even helped me bring my gear to the car!


Happy 7th Birthday Haiden!

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