Practicing For Help-Portrait

Last night I setup my white seamless background and umbrellas and invited some friends over to be models so that I could test all of my equipment and setup for the Help-Portrait sessions I’m leading. Since one of the key points of Help-Portrait is to give the photos you take of a person in need back to them and not publish or use them for your own personal gain, I thought it would be nice to share the type of photo’s I’ll be taking by using my friends’ shots as an example.
The photo above our family’s friend Krista’s children. Below is our neighbor & friend Melinda & her daughter McKenzie.

Here are a few other shot’s of their families that stuck out for me. We had a lot of fun making these, and if I hope the kids at the hospital can get a few minutes to escape their surroundings and feel a bit of normalcy.

Lola, our Pomeranian princess, was interloping on quite a few shots!

McKenzie is adorable!

Lola knows who the star of our home is, doesn’t she?

The all-American family shot. Anthony looks quite proud, as he should!

Yoga with a giggling prop!
I’d like to thank our friends for helping us out as we prepare for today’s event. They were awesome and their families are beautiful!