The Day The Internet Broke
This morning I opened up my laptop to my homepage. I have as my home page because I like to smile and “real news” is for the sheeple of the world. Why hear about last night’s debates when I can see cats with burrito hats? I opened up my browser and got this:

Uh oh, there must be a server issue. Let me check to see what’s going on in the blogosphere.

Hmmm, that’s strange. Maybe Firefox is broken. Let me head over to to download an update.

What the hell? Is the internet broken? Screw it, I’ll just play a little Minecraft to pass the time…

Red background, white text – it must be CHinese hackers!! Let’s look up China on the old Wikipedia and see if there’s any helpful info…

Dammit, let me Google this. Google always has the answer.

What is going on?? What kind of world am I living in where information isn’t freely available? What can I do? Who can I call?
Without free information, how can we be truly free?
Scary isn’t it!?
Hundreds of millions of people affected by a small group with its own agenda.