Best Camera Challenge
This has nothing to do with finding the best camera, so sorry if the title misled you. This is about a photo contest sponsored by PDN Magazine and commercial photographer (and iPhone app developer) Chase Jarvis called the Best Camera Challenge. The reason I’m excited about this contest is because it’s a photography contest of photos made entirely on mobile phones. I’ve written before about how much I love making photos on my iPhone. I truly think that having a huge array of photo applications from 3rd party developers on a single camera is going to pave the way for future professional cameras. Imagine having the ability to load applications from other companies besides your camera’s manufacturer on your DSLR – it would be amazing to say the least.
So, here’s the begging part of the post – I’ve submitted seven photos into the contest, and I’m asking you for your vote. It’s easy – here are the rules from the contest website:
In order to vote you need to provide a valid email address, and only one vote per email address is possible. If after voting the first time, you decide to vote for another image, the first image you voted for will lose that vote.
The “People’s Choice” is a section apart from the rest of the contest and the votes will not influence the judges. A photographer would seek votes in order to win the “People’s Choice” section alone. The winners for the other categories will be determined by the judges.
So, you can view all of my entries on the contest site here, or pick one from the thumbnails below. That’s it – Thanks for helping me out 🙂

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