Raw Talent

I got to witness some really talented kids today. My children are lucky to attend an arts-infused school, and my daughter is part of the school’s chorus team. Today, they performed two showcases in the area and included dance and painting as well as singing in their performances.
The three painters that were participating started with a blank canvas and were given the duration of the performance (which was only about 20 minutes) to create something. I was particularly interested in them because I love to see a creative challenge like this. I’ve posted previously about the occasional benefits of boundaries, and I think it really separates the people who love their craft from the excuse-makers who aren’t quite there yet. These kids did not disappoint.

The painters were positioned right up front with the vocal performers, and the onlookers who were curious enough to walk around to take a peak were treated to an evolving trio of paintings. I can guarantee that if they were not forced to finish, they would have kept going and would have ended up with totally different paintings than what they created this afternoon.

It was a great display of raw talent. These kids are all about 10 years old, and are at varying levels with their arts, but they are mostly uncorrupted. There’s no agenda, just the urge to make something and say, “look at what I can do”.

I have to give the faculty members of the school that came out to participate on a Saturday great praise. They are an example of the right kind of educators that our children need to grow up in an enlightened and progressing world. A place without creativity would be a frightening one because it screams to be set free from the minute you begin to connect with the life around you.

I put up a set of photos from the events on my Flickr.