When I got home from taking my daughter to piano lessons this morning I had a message waiting for me on Facebook from my friend Brian linking to the video above. What an amazing project to do with your family. Those kids look genuinely excited to be a part of it. It made me think of the question of “why would anyone do this?” The answer is simple. Because they could. It was that kind of ambition that got us to the moon in the ’60s. That desire to do. Do something, anything that will make our existence here a better one. The drive to accomplish a task no matter how crazy it seems and get others riled up for it. Even if the experiment that these people did had failed in its execution, it still would have been a cool experience for them and anyone who hears their story. What’s more, is that they undoubtedly would have picked up the pieces and learned from their mistakes and tried again, which is the true mark of spirit.
Here is an example of going out and doing something random, just because you can. No point other than to be happy and put a smile on other people’s faces. Go for it!

A little earlier this morning I had my own little inspiration (albeit not even a fraction as grand as the one above). I was walking my dog and it was unusually foggy out. It looked like a scene from a Vietnam war movie, if Vietnam had suburban housing developments during that time. I thought it would make a great photo, but I only had my iPhone on me. Luckily, the iPhone is one of the world’s greatest cameras if you know how to take advantage of it. I took this shot and then used an app called Camera+ to add a cross processing effect to make it look more jungle-like. I then posted it to my Flickr page and sent it out via Twitter all while my dog was baking brownies. Instant gratification – no pondering the shot or massive retouching going on. Just see something, shoot it, and share it with the world. That is why I think the iPhone is one of the best cameras a person can own.

A few days ago I shot this photo with my new lens and I keep going back to it. I love the color of the early morning light, and my daughter had just woken up – she was still brushing the sleep from her eyes when I shot this. The whole feel of the photo is “fresh”. Bright colors, bright face, awesome back light.
A little later today I’m going to take my kids to the 6th annual Kulture Klash Arts Festival art viewing. I’m excited for the children to see art that isn’t so mainstream. It should be a cool experience for them. Later tonight, I’ll go to the real party, which should be a cool experience for the wife and I. I hope to see a bunch of you Charleston area peeps there!